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My counselling experience extends to both Christian and non-Christian contexts and you have the opportunity to choose your preferred counselling style that will support you toward optimal functioning in body, mind, and spirit. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to  address any challenges you are experiencing.


You will be offered a safe, caring and confidential space to explore who you are, unpack your concerns and identify roadblocks to attaining your goals. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to reach your goals. In this space, we develop pathways toward optimal functioning that embraces your uniqueness.


Relationships can be challenging due to their ever-changing landscape and couples can experience intimacy issues or lose the ability to communicate and feel unheard by the other person. These sessions include individual sessions, joint sessions and incorporate talk therapy and brainspotting sessions. This is a safe space to gain insight and perspective on current challenges and re-invigorate relationships to a place of optimal functioning.


Exiting a religious cult and embarking on a journey of self-discovery can be terrifying. After years of being told what to think, how to act and living under the daily threat of being shunned and excommunicated, risking everything if you don't comply, can leave a person feeling psychologically trapped despite having left a cult environment. In a safe space, you have the opportunity to discover yourself, embark on a journey of re-invention and gain the necessary tools for optimal functioning. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting for this journey.


PTSD can be accompanied by strong emotional and physical responses. Traumatic experiences leave their mark on the way we think, the way we act, leads to feeling isolated and compromises our psychological wellbeing. Challenges such as flashbacks, night terrors, dissociation, extremes of hypo- or hypervigilance, sleep disturbance, and other associated symptoms can leave people feeling hopeless, helpless and stuck.

Brainspotting is the most effective therapy to undo the faulty programming that shaped trauma at the hands of peers, caregivers, spouses or authorities. Initially, a comprehensive intake is taken, which informs treatment goals, and from there we work together using brainspotting to reach those goals. 

In a safe, empathic and supported space, you have the opportunity at your own pace, to engage in the healing journey, regain control over your life and return to optimal functioning.


Stress in a workplace due to a change of management or existing culture can cause depression and anxiety and at times manifest in physical illnesses. Increasing one's capacity to adapt to change or manage workplace conflict can be discussed in a safe confidential space. Through individual or facilitated group supervision sessions, strategies to maintaining or regaining personal wellbeing will shift you or your team into a place of optimal functioning.  


Exposure to a traumatic event can leave a person feeling vulnerable, disorientated, in shock, unsure how to navigate a way forward, and confused about what they just experienced or witnessed. A safe space is offered for you to debrief and reframe the event and put you on the path to optimal functioning.  You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to process these events.


This service has capacity to support clients from the age of 16 years. Every stage of life can be accompanied by various challenges. For teens it can be body-image often  accompanied by a disruption in their relationship to food. First time mothers can experience anxiety around parenting. Empty nesters can feel lost in navigating the initial months and establishing a new direction. Divorce can cause emotional turmoil and a sense of profound loss. Supporting parents at end of life can be a very stress-filled time. In a safe and empathic space you can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to support you through whatever stage of life you are in and make your way back to optimal functioning.


Over the course of life, we experience loss on many fronts such as; declines in physical and brain health, deterioration in relationships and friendships, loss of employment, deaths of friends, spouses, family members, and pets. How we process these losses and the support we have at the time they occur, can impact our psychological and emotional health. In the event of an unexpected death or violent death such as the suicide of a loved one or friend, this adds an additional level of complexity to the grief journey. Meaning-making from loss is critical in the grief journey. In a safe, empathetic space you can chart new beginnings by integrating loss in a way that restores optimal functioning. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to support you in this journey.


It's not uncommon for people to experience brief episodes of depression as a response to stressors in life, which come and go. However,  when depression is persistent and interferes with daily functioning and relationships it impacts brain health and physical health. The causes of depression can be biological, environmental, or as a response to sudden losses or trauma. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to increase optimal functioning, in a safe, empathetic space.


Irrational fear or dread, phobias, feeling overwhelmed, panic attacks, social and performance anxiety, excessive worry, loss or increase in appetite can be associated with anxiety. Somatic symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, restlessness, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating and headaches are among some of the symptoms experienced by people with anxiety. The causes behind anxiety can be explored at your own pace in a safe and supportive environment and there are numerous tools available to move you toward optimal functioning. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to overcome these challenges.


Stress in a work or home environment can cause depression and anxiety and also manifest in physical illnesses. Increasing capacity to bounce back and cope with stress and change can be learned and in a safe space we can unpack your strengths and discover how they can be honed for optimal functioning.  You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to reach your goals.


A better word for 'addiction,' is learned behaviour. These learned behaviours take many forms and can be debilitating as well as perpetuate poor outcomes in life. They can be illicit or legal substances, patterns of thinking or associated with things in life that you have identified as being counterintuitive to optimal functioning. Behaviours that are learned, can also be unlearned! In this safe and non-judgmental space, we explore those areas and break those shackles. You can choose talk therapy or brainspotting to shift ingrained behaviours.


Please see specific information relating to the following LINK:

Online ADHD Strengths-based Coaching/Counselling

Online Neuro Change Coaching Program
Online Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching/Counselling

Australia-wide & International Zoom Sessions

Available Insurance Rebates: 

Australian Regional Health Group (ARHG) - Police Health Fund / St Luke’s Health / Phoenix Health / Emergency Services Health; Medibank, BUPA, ahm.

Provision of Services to WorkSafe Victoria Injured Workers: Billed to Worksafe Victoria

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