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 Online Relationship Counselling With
A Difference!

Image by Khadeeja Yasser

Couples are often reluctant to come into the counselling space fearing that it will turn into a slinging match, with each blaming the other for the state of the relationship. Unfortunately, this happens all too often.

The reality is that each person comes to any relationship with a history of learnt behaviours from their family of origin and often without realising it, impose those same behaviours onto their current relationship. Breaking those behaviours may prove difficult and that is where brainspotting can provide the means to break the cycles. Historical trauma also impacts a person's capacity to self-regulate and their attachment schemas, which brainspotting can also provide healing for.

Sometimes one partner can be living in a perpetual state of fight, flight or freeze and unable to navigate out of the anxiety cycle. This can negatively affect their internal state and the relationship, preventing intimacy or any level of emotional engagement. Living in this perpetual state results in feeling exhausted having minimal energy to invest into oneself or in the relationship. 

Brainspotting addresses unhealthy attachment schemas, historical trauma, and increase each individual's capacity to self-regulate. When each person focuses on their contributing behaviours, then the relationship can move from blaming and being toxic, to thriving!

Most relationship counselling services have the majority of sessions run jointly with both parties in attendance. However, this service takes a different approach and offers one joint complimentary session at the end to integrate what has been processed in the individual sessions. 


As each person embarks on their own journey within the relationship, the problematic dynamics shift more organically. Individual sessions provide opportunity for each person to focus on how they can be the best version of themselves in the relationship. The blame game is not entertained and a safe place is offered for each person, in their own space, to process their behaviours or emotional states that are impacting the relationship. 

Book in a 15 minute meet and greet phone call to see how this space can support your relationship challenges: BOOK



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