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The Pros & Cons of Zoom Counselling

Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 has impacted the way we conduct our personal lives, education, medical treatments and businesses. Some people have experienced shifting work-life and integrating it into the home environment as stressful, others have found it a blessing in disguise, being able to put on that load of washing, cooking or vacuuming between their daily job tasks. It seems like we have more hours in the day due to not facing daily long commutes to work.

We are fortunate to live in a technologically savvy era, that has enabled schools to connect educationally online, along with business shifting to online mode and an upsurge in telehealth to deliver medical services and counselling via Zoom.

Without a doubt, most of us like the dynamics that face-to-face encounters offer. It is important to us as people who thrive on social connectedness, through touch, smell and being in proximity to another persons' energy, that we have regular doses of these experiences.

As a counsellor who loves face-to-face sessions with my clients, transitioning all my clients to online Zoom counselling has been a welcome option, to that of having no contact.

I can confidently say that my clients haven't been negatively disadvantaged by this, in fact, it means that I can offer after-hours appointments more readily, because I'm not reliant on venue opening hours where I co-locate, and have greater flexibility in time and duration of sessions, due to the absence of incorporating travel to locations.


- Clients can squeeze in a session while in the comfort of their own home, which helps them feel relaxed.

- Clients do not have to take time off work and save time in travelling to attend appointments.

- Clients can sip on a cup of tea during the session and have their favourite pet nearby, which many people consider a source of comfort.

- Clients can make contact when they are in their moment of need, rather than wait days or weeks to get an appointment when the moment has passed.

- Clients do not have to travel on the roads while they are feeling vulnerable.

- Zoom accounts are free, saving on petrol money travelling to appointments.

- Clients can attend with counsellors outside the regions where they live if they prefer a particular counsellor and the services they offer.

- Some counsellors are offering discounted sessions during COVID-19.


- Clients may need some assistance in creating a Zoom account.

- Clients may have poor internet coverage, which may make phone counselling a better option.

- Clients may require time to adjust emotionally to not having the counsellor in the room with them.

What we can say for sure, is that COVID-19 has changed the landscape of how we do life; however, that doesn't automatically mean the effect is negative.

Some counsellors, like myself, continue to offer counselling sessions via Zoom post lock down to ensure people remain supported and minimise wait time.

As you can see from the list above, the Pros have it hands down! 😊


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