Disturbed sleep, lacking energy or interest in things previously thought of as important, extreme weight fluctuations, emotional outbursts, health issues, crying, reckless behaviour, withdrawal, aggression, breaking the law, putting affairs in order, lack of interest in appearance, secretiveness, self-harm scars, lacking concentration, anxious behaviour, previous suicide attempt(s)
Wanting to escape, no vision for future, feelings of guilt, feeling alone, feeling helpless, talking about suicide, feelings of failure, feeling ashamed, feeling hopeless, feeling lonely & isolated, feeling worthless, feeling unloved, always feeling sad, negative self-talk, complaining of mystery illnesses
Changes in behaviour
Changes in physical appearance
Negative speech
Suicidal talk
Becoming more withdrawn
Suddenly becoming calmer or happier
Talking about being in pain, feeling trapped or a burden to others
Saying things jokingly like, “I want to kill myself” or “I have no reason to live”
Risk-taking behaviour
Abusing alcohol or drugs
Giving away belongings, calling or visiting people to say goodbye
Collecting pills, trying to buy a gun, ropes or other lethal equipment