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The Pastor’s Handbook – A Complete Theological & Practical Response to Suicide

(316pages; 18.9 wide x 24.59 tall; 0.64 kg) Out of Print - Sorry.

After completing the reading of the draft of this book – The Pastor’s Handbook Complete Guide to Suicide Ministry Theology & Practice – I whispered ‘Well done Astrid!’ I doubt if there is a comparable treatment of this subject anywhere. With the increase of suicide in the world – in spite of our modern and sophisticated advancement – this handbook will have ever-increasing value to the Christian Pastor/Leader practitioner, in the years to come. My wife and I have known Astrid and her husband Martin, for a number of years now and have always been impressed with their added substance to their faith. Three years ago, Astrid experienced the most unthinkable tragedy of tragedies – the suicide of her own daughter, Jade. Amidst the myriad of questions, complex circumstances and intrigue, we had the privilege of giving some pastoral care throughout the wake of this bereavement and witness Astrid’s remarkable recovery from this treacherous situation.

Having now read her book, I am grossly aware of how ill-equipped I was, (and am), but also inspired and motivated to take on this challenge to be better equipped in the future should such a disaster (God forbid) happen in my realm of influence. When Astrid first mentioned she was writing a book on this subject, my immediate thought was ‘Don’t tell me this is a knee-jerk reaction to her bereavement!’ However, as I journeyed through the book, I could clearly see that she has turned her ‘scars into stars’ (à la Robert H. Schuller) and allowed God to use her in writing this excellent handbook on handling suicide bereavement victims in the best way, and more importantly God’s way. The subject matter is presented logically, well researched, theologically credible, and draws upon the best sources of the social sciences, real-life examples and statistics. It is a comprehensive resource for the modern Christian Practitioner who wants to be right Biblically and scientifically and in turn experience the best outcomes both for the bereaved and his/her own ministry.

This subject is not for novices. Astrid’s life experiences, and her excellent and gifted mind has produced a tool that is not only quite unique, but I believe indispensable to the Christian worker who faces the great challenge of ministering to the suicide bereaved. Astrid has been courageous in entering several controversial mine fields – Christians and the demonic, eternal security of the suicide, and the victim’s mitigated culpability due to overriding medical factors, to name a few. All these fascinating and vital questions are addressed in this manual plus a bounty of do’s and don’ts for practical application.

Well done Astrid – and well done to you for procuring this manual!

Richard F. Warner, B.A., M.Th. Senior Minister and President Lighthouse Christian Church and College, Melbourne, Australia


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