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Adrenalin Stress

The most prominent personality types are Type-A and Type-B personalities.

Type-A personality types are commonly identified by the following:

- Very competitive

- Irritated by delays

- Low tolerance for frustration

- Ambitious and driven

- Very aggressive

- Easily angered and known for free-floating hostility

- Feel guilty when they relax

- Confident on the outside – insecure on the inside

- Speak aggressively – stressing key words

- Finish other people’s sentences

Type-B personality types are known for:

- Diminished sense of urgency

- Not bound to time

- Love to play and relax

- Patient

- Not overly concerned about other people’s opinions of them

- Accept their humanness

No doubt you are looking at this list and identified which resembles you the closest. The reality is that we can be a blend, nevertheless looking at the list we can identify the prominent aspects of our character.

If you’re looking at these two types wishing, you were more like the other – DON’T.

We need to embrace who we are, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be aware of some of the pitfalls associated with our characteristics and put in place strategies to ensure we don’t burn ourselves out or procrastinate to the extend we end up missing great opportunities.

Type-A personalities burn more adrenaline than Type-B’s and stats tell us that males with these characteristics are three times at risk of heart disease and women with Type-A personalities are quickly catching up. Though competitive environments are where Type-A personalities thrive, it can be a two-edged sword.

It is the distortion of time, a sense of racing time, the need to beat time, which creates the issue for Type-A personalities. It is the pervading sense of ‘urgency’ that creates adrenaline stress.

Striking a balance is the key.

A certain level of stress is required and beneficial but when we begin experiencing extreme stress, which effects our overall well-being, then we need to integrate some subtle changes to our life.

- Take time for ‘me’

- Enjoy a day each week with family and friends

- Turn off the phone and the computer at set times each night

- Unless you’re on call for work, put your phone on aeroplane mode, especially at night

- Leave work commitments confined to work hours

- On days off, don’t log into work emails, put an automated reply on your work emails

Life is short, yes we want to feel that we have made a dent in the world that will survive us and not missed out on great adventures – but life is also meant to be enjoyed!

So, Seize the day, enjoy the world around you. Don't let characteristics of your personality type control you. Control your personality type.


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