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Unique Online Evidence-based Neuro Change Coaching Program 

The Neuro Change Program is developed by the Neuro Change Institute

This is the ultimate personal/professional development program!

This is where the evidence-based CBT Neuro Change program & the Brainspotting neuro-experiential experience intersect.

Challenge limiting belief systems.
Increase psychological flexibility.
Demolish self-imposed limitations.
This coaching program offers wide-ranging benefits for general wellbeing in life, success in sports, business, leadership roles, relationships, professional & personal development, study, career change, and emotional health. Eliminate blockages to change, thereby opening the door to live your full potential.
Sessions promote neuroplasticity through neuro change strategies, after session work sheets to complete, everything needed to foster a growth mindset, replace faulty thought process and negative habits to achieve those elusive goals or dreams.
Experience clarity, focus, and FLOW - an optimal state of consciousness, gather essential tools for long-term neuro change, stimulate new neural connections and incorporate brainspotting to expedite the process. 
In our 30min sessions, we dig down into the content and your responses to the worksheet activities and discuss how they translate to any area of challenge in your life.
Clients  who have accessed the program and committed to completing the worksheets have reported experiencing significant positive outcomes: moved from a feeling of being stuck, achieved a greater sense of flow, found the direction in career and improved relationships both in the home and the workplace!
This program is a personal and professional development program and tax deductible.

Interactive Online Psychoeducation Program  

10x 30min coaching sessions - weekly or fortnightly 

3x 1hr Brainspotting Blockages sessions

Changing your mindset can change your life.
Understanding entrenched patterns of thoughts are crucial to intervening in self-sabotaging behaviours.



Interactive Online Psychoeducation Program Content - (6 Modules on Thinkific Platform):

  • Purpose & Flow State:

    • Finding Purpose and Flow.

  • Beliefs:

    • Challenging Belief Systems.

    • Aligning Beliefs With Purpose.

  • Mindset:

    • Changing Mindsets.

    • Fixed Vs Growth Minds. 

  • Emotional Intelligence:

    • Emotional Awareness & Our Relationships with Others.

    • Emotional Regulation & Positive Emotions.

  • Subconscious Mind:

    • Goals, Implementation Intentions & Procrastination.

    • A blueprint for subconscious success.

  • Neuroplasticity:

    • The Neurobiology of Neuroplasticity.

    • Brain Health & Neuroplasticity.

    • A Formula to Rewire Your Brain.

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