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Brainspotting is an innovative cutting-edge therapy!!


I am a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner

trained in the following:

Brainspotting (BSP) Phase - 1, 2, 3 & 4

BSP Advanced Training: BSP & Addictions

BSP Advanced Training: BSP & Dreamspotting

BSP Advanced Training: BSP & Expansion 

BSP Advanced Training: BSP & Parts of Self Building Bridges

BSP Master Class with David Grand: Neuroexperiential Perspective

BSP Advanced Training: BSP & The Hero's Journey  

Registered Brainspotting AustralAsia Pacific Directory  Link

Journal research case studies as to the efficacy of BSP LINK

Book in for a 15 min chat to discuss this unique & potent therapy and how it can support your journey. HERE
Brainspotting is a brain-body based therapy.
The goal of brainspotting is to provide space for the brain to do what it is designed to do, namely, the heavy lifting to self-heal.

Testimonies to the efficacy of Brainspotting:


''Brilliant.. & thank you so much. Astrid's patience, kindness & understanding made all the difference for me. Even though the previous recovery & healing work I had done positioned me well, there were still remnants of trauma left, that until now, had seemed unreachable. Even more surprisingly, are the leaps & bounds made in regaining functionality from a brain injury caused by a minor stroke. While trauma recovery is not easy, I am confident that if you are willing to 'go there' & continue to 'show up', Astrid will lead you to where you need to be, through it & out the other side with this amazingly gentle process. As many of us often wonder how things might've, could've or should've been if circumstances had been different, I can honestly say that for the first time I not only recognise myself fully, but am also experiencing that existence in a way that I never thought could be possible. Becoming whole is worth it.''


I started with Astrid feeling stuck in patterns of compulsion and anxiety—I knew intellectually what was going on, having been in talk therapy for a while. But I was just talking over and over about the same stuff and I felt like I was using willpower to fight my unconscious programming. It was exhausting (and not really working). 

 As soon as we started brainspotting I felt the anxiety drain from me and suddenly I had so much more power to make the choices I actually wanted to make. 

 I felt free and like my world was so much bigger.

It’s only gotten bigger and more exciting as I’ve gone on brainspotting with Astrid. Life is better than I ever imagined it could be thanks to that brilliant woman.


"Social anxiety has ruled my life since I was at school. I never thought I could live without it. I feel like I have a new lease on life. When you said brainspotting would help me, I was sceptical. I'm looking forward to doing things now without fear of being gripped by anxiety. Thank you for everything!"


"For the first time in more years than I can remember, I woke up this morning after our brainspotting session yesterday without a sense of dread."

"Brainspotting takes the view that the inability to move reflexively from dysregulation to regulation can be found in subcortical dissociative barriers formed during sustained developmental trauma, which are further calcified by repeated, accumulated adult traumas; re-traumatisation's that reverberate back to the original preverbal, intra-uterine and generational traumas. Brainspotting is directly trauma and dissociation informed, duly attuned to the substrates of all  symptomatic and behavioural manifestations."  David Grand
Do you have a reoccurring dream, the meaning of which eludes you? 
Expansion Brainspotting:
Are you feeling challenged in reaching your goals?
Are there roadblocks that you need to get past to realise your full potential?
Are you a professional or sports person looking to get to the next level? 
Do you want to enhance your performance, public speaking, sports, or coping with exam nerves?
Are you going through a traumatic experience and need increased capacity to bear it?
Are you experiencing intimacy issues in your relationship or challenges in communicating?
Do you recognise self-sabotaging behaviours in your life?
Grounding, Resourcing Brainspotting:
Are anxiety or phobias preventing you from enjoying positive brain health?
Are you unable to resolve triggers or attachment disruption? 
Is your life interrupted by traumatic memories, dissociation, flashbacks, or trauma-related body sensations?
Are there suicidal thoughts you want to eliminate? 
Do you struggle with fear of heights or confined spaces?
Parts & Building Bridges Brainspotting:
Are there lost parts of you that you would like to recover, integrate or heal?
Have you experienced sexual, physical or emotional abuse at the hands of someone you trusted?
Have you been the victim of a violent crime, or accident, that has resulted in ongoing feelings of vulnerability or flashbacks?

Addiction Brainspotting:
Are there addictions you would like to eliminate to improve your quality of life?
Have you tried every diet around and nothing has worked?
Is an eating disorder consuming your life?
Is addiction to porn interfering with healthy relationships?
Are there challenging behaviours you would like to remove from your life?
Bodyspotting Brainspotting:
Are you struggling with pain, particularly pain associated with a traumatic event?
If you have answered 'yes' to any of the above questions and nothing has worked for you in the past, then Brainspotting is a must!
You The Hero - Post-Traumatic Growth Brainspotting:
 Once the issue/addiction/behaviour has been conquered and trauma is healed, we come together in a final session to integrate the journey. The Hero's Brainspotting journey, is a powerful and final step in the healing process from our time spent together in the therapeutic space and integrates your narrative to make meaning from your experiences/challenges/trauma. 








Brainspotting reaches into areas of the brain that talk therapies are unable to influence, enabling clients to live their best life NOW. Brainspotting shifts the brain out of irrational fears, liberates the brain from addiction, brings relief from PTSD, Complex PTSD and anxiety, and resolves trauma. 

Brainspotting is the most effective therapy to undo the faulty programming that shaped trauma at the hands of peers, caregivers, spouses, or authorities. 
In a safe, empathic and supported space, you have the opportunity at your own pace, to engage in the healing journey, regain control over your life and return to optimal functioning.

Graduation from therapy is the goal, not dependence.

My role is to equip and empower you to live your best life!

The most amazing aspect of Brainspotting therapy, is that what we start in our shared space, does its best work when you leave.
Between sessions the shift continues!
Sometimes the shift is subtle, other times the shift is really noticeable.
Each person responds differently.

It is a therapy that keeps on giving!


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